Below you will find payment tools and other
Resources for NYSLAA Members' use.
Conference Registration
Payment through PayPal
You can pay your registration with a credit card or your
bank account using Paypal. First go to the conference page,
download, print and complete the registration form. When calculating your totals,
please add $8.00 to the registration form to cover the PayPal fee. Institutions please
add $8.00 per person being registered. Use the final total for PayPal.
Membership Dues Payment by PayPal
Before you start, go to the Membership page, print and fill out the Membership Application form. To pay with a credit card or your bank account using Paypal, select whether applying or renewing as a Regular Member or an Associate Member, then click the Add to Cart button. On the payment page that comes up, the membership type amount should already be there. Enter any other required information, then submit. Be sure to mark your Membership Application form that you paid using PayPal. You still need to send the Membership Application form to Donna Hanna at the address on the form. Email us with any questions on this payment method.
Certificate of Achievement Payment by PayPal
Select membership type. Please remember to mark your registration form that you paid using PayPal. If you are paying for your membership now as well, please add your membership type to your cart, close the window and then add the certificate of achievement payment to your account. You should see both membership dues and certificate of achievement in your cart. You can change quanitity and remove any payments you do not with you make. Choose "Check Out" if you wish to pay with a card without making a PayPal account.
Donate to NYSLAA using PayPal
- You can now make a donation to NYSLAA using PayPal!
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
- If you are a NYSLAA member and would like to receive a copy of the latest Executive Council Meeting Minutes, please contact our Recording Secretary.